Preorders are now available for Offshoots: Humanity Twigged, an anthology all about exploring how humanity will change, grow, regress, as it branches from its myriad potential futures.

You can preorder it here:

I have a short story in this “Messiah in the Machine.”

Desperate for a minyan (a quorum of 10 men for prayer), Rabbi Morris navigates a simulated reality and discovers a world where Judaism can embrace its version of temple times. In this digital domain, humans create their own dystopian worlds, with some worshipping themselves as gods, and others transforming into anything they desire—code, numbers, even dinosaurs. As the rabbi delves deeper, he encounters beings who appear as code, dinosaurs, waves, and grapples with profound questions about faith and identity. Will he be able to return to reality afterward? Does it matter if the world we experience is through flesh or wires? And in a place where anything is possible, what remains of our humanity and spirituality? All this is explored through the context of Rabbi Morris’s Judaism but it’s about so much more.

This was also recommended with a star by Tangent Online here:

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